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Working Cooperatively… TOGETHER

Altman Tractor Co. and NJPA - Your strategic sourcing solution.

National Joint Powers Alliance® (NJPA) is a public agency serving members as the lead municipal contracting agency operating under the enabling authority outlined in Minnesota Statute 123A.21.


Solutions Made Simple & Easy

Members are legally allowed to purchase off NJPA contracts, while satisfying their own competitive bid requirements. Save valuable time, resources and money!


NJPA 11-Step Procurement Process

  1. Researching Member Needs
  2. Researching the Solutions Available in the Market Place
  3. Requesting Permission from the NJPA Board of Directors
  4. Drafting and Advertising a RFP
  5. Receive Bidders’ Responses
  6. Evaluating Bidders’ Responses
  7. Making Recommendations to the NJPA Board
  8. Awarding Vendor(s)
  9. Posting Approved Contract Documents
  10. Developing and Implementing a Joint Marketing Plan with Awarded Vendors
  11. Reviewing and Maintaining Our Contract Throughout Its Term

Be the Hero and Buy Mowing Equipment the NJPA Way
Satisfy your local bidding requirements and streamline your Altman Tractor Co. mowing equipment purchase.

Over 50,000 Members are already enjoying the value of choice in purchasing.

Join NJPA today at no cost, no obligation or liability to your organization.


Become a Member

Feel “FREE” to join NJPA at no-costno obligation and no liability. Joining NJPA allows you the opportunity to access competitively awarded nationally leveraged cooperative purchasing contracts for life!

We ask you join in the fashion that meets your agency's legal or policy requirements.

Apply to Join NJPA

  • NJPA Online Application – Nearly 90% of NJPA members join utilizing the online application. Within 2 business days you will receive your NJPA Member ID # electronically. You will also receive an NJPA membership packet by mail within 7-10 business days.

If your agency/organization requires executed signatures, please utilize one of the options below:

Participating Members are non-voting members of NJPA that are able to enter into Joint Powers Agreements. Nonprofit organizations, nonpublic schools and other similar entities may join NJPA through an Associate Membership. Full voting memberships are limited to units of government or education located within the five county region of Minnesota which NJPA was originally created to serve.


NJPA Online Application



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